Gorgeous Barcelona, actually quite accessible !!
Gorgeous Barcelona. I have always wanted to visit the city, it’s certainly within reach but somehow I have never quite got round to it. But I loved Martyn Sibleys take on this fabulous city and I really loved the information he shared on one of the most accessible, integrated, “mainstream” hotels I’ve ever read about.
Mics Sant Jordi is the hotel and it looks a fabulous place to stay and heres the thing, thanks to Martyn’s video tour you get a relevant, clear, picture of accommodation that will suit most disabled travellers. But even better heres a hotel thats well located and is, well, just like a hotel ! This isnt a hospital dressed up as a hotel. This isnt some sterile dormitory set up. Heres a classy hotel in one of the most exciting cities in the world and its accessible to everyone!
Ok im doing the equivalent of a wheelchair blog dance here and it probably shows but this is exciting. We badly need more of these video style reviews that nail the key questions on access, costs, location etc. The only disappointing thing is that there are not more of these brilliant but essentially simple and straightforward presentations for every city!
Well done Martyn Sibley, well done Disability Horizons and well done Mic Saint Jordi, cannot wait to see more reviews like this one!
Cheers, Mark